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Department of Environmental Affairs National Environmental Management Act
Regulations pertaining to the Financial Provision for Prospecting, Exploration, Mining or Production Operations.
Summary of Intent
These regulations came into effect on 20 November 2015 where “production operation” is defined in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act as “any operation, activity or matter that relates to the exploration, appraisal, development and production of petroleum;”.

Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Disaster Management Act
Disaster Management Amendment Bill
Summary of Intent
The Amendment Bill, published for comment during 2013 and now accepted in Parliament, seeks to amend the Disaster Management Act to provide for:

Department of Health Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act
Draft Regulations relating to Miscellaneous Additives in Foodstuffs
Summary of Intent
These regulations intend to cover good manufacturing practice, selling, thresholds and restrictions of miscellaneous additives in foodstuffs. Furthermore, the following regulations intend to be repealed:

Department of Trade and Industry South African Bureau of Standards
South African National Standard 1518 Edition 4.1: Transport of Dangerous Goods – Design, Construction, Testing, Approval and Maintenance of Road Vehicles and Portable Tanks
Summary of Intent
Technical committee 1060-01, responsible for the review and preparation of this standard that is referenced in the National Road Traffic Act, has reached consensus that it should become a South African National Standard (SANS). The standard covers requirements for the design, construction, testing, approval and maintenance of road vehicles and portable tanks used to transport dangerous goods as classified by SANS 10228.