Weekly Advocacy Alert – 36-2015

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Department of Water and Sanitation

Annual Report 2014/2015

Summary of Intent

The Department’s Annual Report for the 2014/2015 financial year has been published.
(DWS_Annual Report)

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Department of Transport The South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act

Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project

Summary of Intent

A once-off discount of 60% on unpaid e-tolls levied up to 31 August 2015 is applicable to full payments made from 2 November 2015 to 23:59 on 2 May 2016.

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Department of Higher Education and Training

The Framework for the Annual Report on Skills Supply and Demand in South Africa

Summary of Intent

In order to establish a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning, the Department has published a framework for the annual report on skills supply and demand in South Africa that will be a result of the work of the Labour Market Intelligence Project undertaken by the Human Sciences Research Council.The framework communicates the nature and scope of the report and provides an outline of the content including indicators and data sources that should be referenced.

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Department of Environmental Affairs National Environmental Management Act

Draft National Social Infrastructure Guideline

Summary of Intent

In terms of Strategic Infrastructure (SI) projects, the draft guideline is intended to:

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