National Economic Development and Labour Council
Department of Employment and Labour
National Institute for Occupational Health
Training Programme: How to manage COVID-19 in the workplace
Summary of Intent
The National Economic Development and Labour Council and the National Institute for Occupational Health are partnering to roll out a training programme on how to manage Covid-19 in the workplace. The Launch is taking place on 16 August 2022, from 08h30 – 10h30.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act
Draft Eighth National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report
Summary of Intent
The Department has released the draft eighth National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report for public comment. The National Inventory is a critical document that will be an annual statutory requirement once the Climate Change Bill is enacted; currently drafted in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act. Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
National Treasury
Annual Tax Bill review (including the Carbon Tax Act)
Summary of Intent
On an annual basis, the National Treasury releases the following Bills to bring amendments into law as a result of policy considerations, and announcements by the Minister of Finance following the Budget Review:Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Department of Water and Sanitation
National Water Act
Draft National Water Resources Strategy 3
Summary of Intent
In terms of Section 5(5)(a) of the National Water Act, the Minister has published the draft third National Water Resources Strategy for public comment. The Strategy provides a framework for the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of water resources in South Africa and within which water will be managed at regional or catchment level. Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Business Unity South Africa
Department of Water and Sanitation
Outcomes: Bilateral engagement with Director-General
Summary of Intent
Following CAIA’s engagement with the new Director-General (DG) of the Department where critical issues for the chemical industry were raised following engagement with members bilaterally and through the CAIA Water Survey that was undertaken, the Business Unity South Africa process of compiling a list of critical issues for discussion with the DG was contributed to.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Department of Water and Sanitation
National Water Act
Draft National Pricing Strategy for Water Use Charges
Summary of Intent
The Department has published a draft revised National Pricing Strategy for Water Use Charges in terms of Section 56(7) of the Act. CAIA engaged on a previous draft Strategy a number of years ago, and was concerned with the level of stakeholder participation and the introduction of additional charges given the many challenges faced by the sector such as the high level of non-revenue water.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
The Presidency
Energy Crisis Response
Confronting the Energy Crisis: An Action Plan to End Load Shedding
Summary of Intent
CAIA alerted members to the President’s speech that was delivered on 25 July 2022 regarding the negative impact of loadshedding and its ongoing escalation, along with responses that have the objective of adding supply to the country’s electricity grid. Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Business Unity South Africa
Draft Gas Working Group Position Paper
Summary of Intent
CAIA has previously indicted to members how information received on the sector’s gas consumption (for industrial use rather than electricity generation) is shared with the BUSA Working Group on an aggregate level, to contribute to discussions surrounding the demand for gas in the economy and the role of gas in the Just Transition – whether it be for electricity generation or industrial use (e.g. heating).Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Department of Home Affairs
Immigration Act
Draft Critical Skills List
Summary of Intent
The Department has, in terms of Section 19(4) of the Act, published the Critical Skills List that lists the skills or qualifications that have been determined to be critical for South Africa in relation to an application for a critical skills work visa or permanent residence permit.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
National Environmental Management Act
Section 24H Registration Authority Regulations
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
Amendment of the Section 24H Registration Authority Regulations
Summary of Intent
The Minister has published amended Regulations regarding the registration of Environmental Assessment Practitioners, in terms of the Act. Amendments are contained in the areas of: interpretation, purpose and application; definitions; requirement to register as an Environmental Assessment Practitioner; competence; information requirements; renewals; timelines; and transitional provisions.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Business Unity South Africa
Summary of Intent
DevelopmentAid is a premier information service provider for international development aid, and economic and humanitarian assistance stakeholders. Their mission is to provide up-to-date and critically relevant information for donors, agencies, consultancies, non-government agencies, and individuals working in the international development sector.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition
Standards Act
Standards Matters
Summary of Intent
Notices set out standards that have recently been issued, those released for comment or amended or cancelled. Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Business Unity South Africa
Economic Week Ahead
Summary of Intent
Business Unity South Africa provides a weekly Economic Week Ahead forecast, as well as commentary.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Business Unity South Africa
Economic Briefing
Summary of Intent
Business Unity South Africa provides a weekly Economic Briefing report that covers economic matters in South Africa, the rest of Africa as well as internationally.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act
Proposed Regulations for Implementing and Enforcing Priority Area Air Quality Management Plans
Summary of Intent
Along with alerting all members to the intention of the Department to develop these Regulations, CAIA has been engaging with its Air Quality Work Group (AQWG) on the matter, and the pre-Gazette draft Regulations. Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us