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Department of Water and Sanitation National Water Act

Limiting the use of water

Summary of Intent

The Notice declares restrictions on water use from the Integrated Vaal River System for urban and irrigation purposes of 15 % and 20 % respectively; including catchments supplying dams in the system and the system itself.
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Department of Home Affairs Broder Management Authority Bill

Border Management Authority Bill

Summary of Intent

Members were alerted to the publication of the draft Border Management Authority (BMA) Bill in Advocacy Alerts 24 and 25/2015 as well as 18/2016.
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Department of Trade and Industry Standards Act, South African Bureau of Standards

Standards Matters

Summary of Intent

A notice sets out new standards that have recently been issued, as well as those that have recently been amended or withdrawn.

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Department of Trade and Industry, National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications

Amendments to Compulsory Specification

Summary of Intent

The amendment to the Compulsory Specification for Hot Water Storage Tanks for Domestic Use (VC 9006) has been published in the Government Gazette for implementation.

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Department of Transport,South African Maritime Safety Authority Act, South African Maritime Safety Authority

Maritime Safety Authority Notices

Summary of Intent

The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) has issued two Notices regarding the verification of the gross mass of packed containers:

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