Weekly Advocacy Alert – 07-2018


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Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
National Planning Commission of South Africa

National Planning Commission Series: Energy

Summary of Intent
The National Planning Commission has published a discussion document on energy, for public comment. The document is conceptualised as part of a series of publications on significant issues aimed at guiding progress to achieving the goals of the National Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

Department of Transport
Various Acts

Economic Regulation of Transport Bill, 2018

Summary of Intent
The Department of Transport has published the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill for public comment. The purpose of the Bill is to:Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

National Treasury
Appropriation Act

Appropriation Bill

Summary of Intent
The National Treasury has published the Appropriation Bill which seeks to:
·         to appropriate money from the National Revenue Fund for the requirements of the State for the 2018/19 financial year;
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Department of Labour
Occupational Health and Safety Act

Draft Asbestos Abatement Regulations, 2018

Summary of Intent
In Advocacy Alert 3/2018, CAIA alerted members to the publication of the draft Asbestos Abatement Regulations, 2018 that intend to revise the existing regulations.
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