Weekly Advocacy Alert – 07-2017


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Department of Transport
Ballast Water Management Bill

Publication of amounts of toll for different categories of motor vehicles, and the date from which the toll tariffs shall be payable

Summary of Intent

The Department of Transport has published Notices announcing that the amounts of toll to be levied at the toll plazas located on the Platinum Toll Road (National Routes 1 and 4),Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

National Treasury
South African Revenue Service
Customs and Excise Act

Review of the Diesel Fuel Tax Refund System

Summary of Intent
The National Treasury has published a media statement and a discussion document on the review of the diesel fuel tax refund for public comment and consultation.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

Department of Labour
Occupational Health and Safety Act

Driven Machinery Regulations Incorporation of the Code of Practice for Zip Line

Summary of Intent
The Department of Labour has published a Notice intending to incorporate the code of practice for zip line into the Driven Machinery Regulations, 2015Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

Railway Safety Regulator
National Safety Regulator Act

Railway Safety Regulator Standards

Summary of Intent
The Railway Safety Regulator (RSR) published the following four Regulator Standards on 30 September 2016:Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

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