Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE)
Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2023
Summary of Intent
The revised IRP was published on 4 January 2024 for public comment. The Plan has been updated to reflect the change in key assumptions since the promulgation of IRP 2019 and covers the time horizons of 2030 and 2050. Key assumptions that have been updated include: Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Department of Mineral Resources and Energy
National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA)
National Energy Regulator Act
Vopak tariff applications for petroleum loading, storage and pipeline facilities
Summary of Intent
NERSA has invited the public to comment on the multi-year tariff application by Vopak Terminal Durban (Pty) Ltd and Vopak South Africa Developments (Pty) Ltd for the tariff period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2026 for the following facilities:Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac)
Economic and Employment Trends in South Africa
Summary of Intent
Nedlac’s latest Economic and Employment Trends in South Africa Report (January 2024) has been published that includes:Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
National Treasury
Debt Management Report 2022/23
Summary of Intent
The National Treasury report provides information on: Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
National Treasury
South African Revenue Services (SARS)
Promulgation to taxation amendments
Summary of Intent
The following amendments acts were promulgated on 22 December 2023:Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
National Treasury
South African Revenue Services (SARS)
Trade statistics for November 2023
Summary of Intent
South Africa recorded a preliminary trade balance surplus of R21.0 billion in November 2023.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
National Treasury
South African Revenue Services (SARS)
Tax Statistics for the year 2023
Summary of Intent
National Treasury and the SARS have jointly published the 16th annual edition of the Tax Statistics. The 2023 edition provides an overview of tax-revenue collection and tax-return information for the 2019 to 2023 tax years, as well as for the 2018/19 to 2022/23 fiscal years.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
South African Government
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) Annual Report, 2023
Summary of Intent
The DFFE has published their 2023 Annual Report.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)
Economic Week Ahead
Summary of Intent
BUSA provides a weekly Economic Week Ahead forecast, as well as commentary.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us
Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)
Weekly Economic Briefing
Summary of Intent
BUSA provides a weekly Economic Briefing report that covers economic matters in South Africa, the rest of Africa as well as internationally.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us