World Ocean Day – 8 June 2021

One Ocean, One Climate, One Future - Together!

Coordinated and promoted internationally by The Ocean Project since 2002, World Ocean Day is an annual celebration held on 8 June, as well as a call for ocean conservation action throughout the year.

Starting in 2009, World Ocean Day has been officially recognised by the United Nations. This celebration of the ocean brings together organisations and individuals from youth groups, schools, aquariums, zoos, museums, businesses, maritime and tourism industries, government agencies, recreational enthusiasts including divers, surfers, sailors, communities of faith and more. The movement for a sustainable society and a healthy blue planet continued to grow for World Oceans Day 2021 despite the global pandemic.

For 2021, World Ocean Day is raising awareness and support for the global movement to protect at least 30% of the world's land, waters, and ocean by 2030 (30x30). Safeguarding at least 30% through a network of highly protected areas can help ensure a healthy ocean and climate.

With the leadership of the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council, World Ocean Day 2021 is shaping up to be one of the most impactful yet with activities, celebrations and other events, both online and in person, planned throughout the ocean month of June. Hundreds of organisations are getting involved in activities and influencing world leaders to support increased protection for the ocean. In typical years, over 2,000 events are organised in more than 140 inland and coastal countries.

The Youth Advisory Council, with 25 members ages 16 - 23 from 20 diverse countries, provides new and unique perspectives, ideas and recommendations for rallying the world for ocean and climate conservation. This year Council members are also leading a 24-hour Youth-A-Thon for our blue planet on 5/6 June, to inform, empower, and activate young people worldwide.

More people and organisations than ever before are coming together globally to support protecting at least 30% of the Earth’s land and ocean by the year 2030. Together we can make a difference!”

Let us all take part with unprecedented collaboration and the enthusiasm to make a real difference! By working together, we can, protect and restore our shared ocean.

World Ocean Day - 8 June 2021 PosterWorld Ocean Day - 8 June 2021 Poster (3.78 MB)

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