World meteorological day is celebrated all across the world every year on 23 March. The event is hosted by 191 meteorological organisation members as well as the worldwide meteorological communities to commemorate the establishment of the World Meteorological Organisation that has been keeping a constant watch on the weather and climate for a better life and future since 1961.
The organisation was established to set up big meteorological station networks contributing towards the safety and efficiency of shipping services as well as the safety and welfare of humans. It also plays a significant role towards water resources safety, food security and transport.
The theme of this year’s World Meteorological Day is Weather-ready, climate-smart.
“The ever-growing global population faces a wide range of hazards such as tropical cyclone storm surges, heavy rains, heatwaves, droughts and many more, says Deidré Penfold, Executive Director of the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association (CAIA).
“Long-term climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of extreme weather and climate events and causing sea level rise and ocean acidification. Urbanization and the spread of megacities means that more of us are exposed and vulnerable. Now more than ever, we need to be weather-ready and climate-smart,” says Penfold.