Training in Globally Harmonized System (GHS) – Labelling of Hazardous Substances

The Chemical and Allied Industries' Association (CAIA) is offering a one-day training course on the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) – Labelling of Hazardous Substances in Johannesburg on 8 June 2016 and 20 July in Durban.

The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) is a system that requires all companies to follow the same rules and principles when classifying and labelling hazardous chemicals. When a chemical is classified as hazardous, there are specific requirements to follow when transporting, storing and handling the chemical.

The GHS label provides basic safety, health and environmental information of the hazardous chemical including recommendations on protective measures and emergency actions. It serves as a hazard communication tool and assists with transferring essential hazard information from the supplier of a hazardous chemical to the user of the chemical.

The objective of the GHS is to create consistency when providing information on safety, health and environmental matters for hazardous chemicals. In order to establish uniformity, specific requirements have been laid down as to how information on the hazardous chemical label shall be given.

No specific pre-requisites are required for this training but delegates should have a Senior Certificate (Grade 12) and be familiar with handling and storage of chemicals and related safety, health and environmental requirements.

The training is aimed at SHEQ managers and risk professionals; technical and logistics personnel; supervisors and other personnel who handle and classify chemicals and personnel who need to implement GHS.


Attendees will be able to:

  • Recognise and group various items found in the learner’s context, according to the impact of their material(s) on health and the environment
  • Read documented information on materials and understand its purpose and use.
  • Understand the physical properties of the materials and relate them to the way the materials occur or are used
  • Describe the potential impact of the materials on health and the environment, related to their properties
  • Use materials in the learner’s context
  • Transport, store and care for materials in the learner’s context

The cost of the training is R2 200.00 (excluding VAT) for CAIA members and R2 750.00 (excluding VAT) for (non-CAIA members. For more information, email Brianna Goosen on or call +27(0) 11 482-1671)

CAIA launched the Responsible Care® programme in South Africa in 1994. This is the global chemical industry’s unique initiative to improve health, safety and environmental performance and to communicate with stakeholders about products and processes.

In addition to this programme, CAIA provides linkages to sustainability in the chemical industries’ value chain through advocacy, training, support of educational drives in maths and science and the advancement of these concepts into sub-Saharan Africa.

CAIA is a member of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), the worldwide voice of the chemical industry, representing chemical manufacturers and producers all over the world and is recognised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). These international alliances allow the Association to source best practice in training, information, advocacy and legislative compliance. For more information, go to or call +27 (0) 11 482-1671.

Issued on behalf of: The Chemical and Allied Industries Association (CAIA)
Contact: Deidré Penfold - CAIA Executive Director
Tel: +27 (0) 11 482-1671
Fax: +27 (0) 11 726-8310
Date: 28 June 2016
Issued by: Freelancers Writing Services
Contact: Gwen Watkins

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