Responsible Care® Performance Report 2016

The Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association (CAIA) represents the interests of a major portion of the chemical and allied industries in South Africa.

Chemicals, chemical products and technologies are used in almost every area of life as well as in many facets of the world economy, thereby contributing to almost every value chain. In South Africa, the chemical sector therefore supports a range of other manufacturing sectors and plays an indispensable role in the provision of essential services, as well as economic growth. As with other raw materials, products and wastes of most industries, the hazards associated with the handling, storage, manufacture, distribution and disposal of materials must be managed responsibly

The Responsible Care® initiative represents a voluntary commitment from the chemical industry to contribute to the advancement of society while striving to continuously improve safety, health and environmental (SHE) performance and stakeholder reporting.

Over the last 31 years since its launch in Canada, the Responsible Care® network has expanded to over 60 countries around the world through implementation by relevant national bodies. In South Africa, CAIA is the custodian of the Responsible Care® initiative that was launched in 1994, and requires relevant members to commit to its principles. Since its inception, the further development of Responsible Care® has taken place under the leadership of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). The Responsible Care® Global Charter has been signed by senior executives of over 90% of the world’s largest chemical companies in October 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. Responsible Care® is an ethic that enriches continuous improvement by the exchange of international experience and innovative technology to facilitate the adaptation and proactive response to evolving concerns regarding chemicals, and in so doing improve health, safety and sustainability

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