QIP Workshop Reminder

Dear Colleague

This serves as reminder of the Quantitative indicators of Performance (QIP) Workshop to be held on 14 march 2018 in Johannesburg and 15 March 2018 in Durban, from 10h30 - 13h30.

CAIA will be livestreaming the QIP Workshop that will be held at the CAIA offices in Johannesburg on 14 March 2018; via a webinar service.The on-site QIP Workshop in Durban will be taking place at the Durban Country Club on 15 March 2018.

Should you be interested in joining the webinar that will be held on 14 March 2018 from 10h30 - 13h30, Kindly register with Nomthie Masuku (admin@caiaqip.co.za) by 12h00 on Monday 12 March 2018 so that further instructions can be provided.

Should you be attending the workshop at any of the venues , please let CAIA know and bring data as well as a computer along .Should you be attending in Durban, please also bring an internet connection along .If attending via the webinar , please consult the instructions that will be provided upon registration.

To facilitate a productive Workshop, kindly review the questionnaire and Guideline Document so that further clarity can be provided based on the questions that may arise. Once logged into the QIP system , click Start Survey. The questionnaire will then be loaded after a guidance box provides you with the option of downloading the Guideline Document.

CAIA will provide travel directions to registered participants who will be attending the Workshop in person, on Monday 12 March 2018.

CAIA looks forward to your attendance.

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