National Transport Month 1 – 31 October 2021

October was declared National Transport Month in 2005 during the Transport Lekgotla. Lekgotla is a meeting called by Government to discuss strategy planning. National Transport Month is used to raise awareness on the important role of transport in the economy and to encourage participation from civil society and business, including the provision of a safe and more affordable, accessible, and reliable transport system in South Africa.

Transport systems form the backbone of South Africa’s socio-economic activities by enabling the movement of people and products.

During this month the Department of Transport and its entities will showcase transport infrastructure services in aviation, maritime, public transport, and roads. This month will also be used to further advance the country’s road safety initiatives, while creating awareness of the economic benefits of the sector. The Department aims to raise awareness of the important role of transport in the economy, and to invite participation from civic society and businesses alike, in providing a safer, more affordable, accessible, and reliable transport.

Investments in the transport sector are aimed at stimulating development and creating jobs as part of the country’s Nine-Point Plan. These investments will ensure that an integrated public transport network across the country will be built. Investments in rail, roads and public transport is changing the way people access their places of work, study, and entertainment. These investments will also help to grow the economy, and address the challenges of unemployment, poverty, and inequality.

National Transport Month PosterNational Transport Month Poster (1.57 MB)

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