Earth Hour – 30 March 2019

Time to switch off the lights! Earth Hour, an annual event usually held on the last Saturday evening in March, is near.

Millions of people and thousands of businesses worldwide turn off lights and shut down most electrical appliances for one hour, from 20h30 to 21h30, to celebrate sustainability and show their support for strategies that will help solve the problem of global warming.

It is a symbol of commitment to the planet.

Starting as a symbolic lights-out event in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour is now the world's largest grassroots movement for the environment, inspiring millions of people to act for our planet and nature.

As accelerating climate change and staggering biodiversity loss threaten our planet, Earth Hour 2019 endeavours to spark never-before-had conversations on the loss of nature and the urgent need to protect it.

No television or computers for a whole hour?

Here’s how to keep yourself busy while you make your point for Earth’s sustainability:

Six things to do during Earth Hour

  • Turn your lights off. This is an obvious one but do turn your lights and electricity off at home!
  • Use the hour to bond with your loved ones while they are not glued to a screen.
  • Walk outside and enjoy some fresh air.
  • Light candles for a cosy atmosphere.
  • Test your camera or phone by taking some late-night photographs.
  • Catch an early night.

Earth Hour Poster 2019Earth Hour Poster 2019 (860 KB)

Earth Hour Poster 2 2019Earth Hour Poster 2 2019 (519 KB)

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