What is a coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.
The Boston Consulting Group are providing pro bono work for the BUSA COVID-19 platform. The link is to a webinar on “Lessons from China in managing the COVID-19 crisis”.
Click here to watch the 'COVID-19 Lessons' video
South African business collaborates to reduce COVID-19 risks and economic impacts.
Herewith an article dated 25 March 2020, written by Dr Mukhisa Kituyi (Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), calling for Governments to “keep ships moving, ports open and cross-border trade flowing” that has been supported by a number of industries around the world due to the reliance on commercial shipping for approximately 80% of global transportation.
COVID-19 and International Trade Issues
In an unprecedented global health crisis, trade is essential to save lives and livelihoods; and international co-operation is needed to keep trade flowing.
Chemical Sector Guideline

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29 December 2020
Adjusted Lockdown Alert Level 3 Regulations
Consolidated COVID-19 Regulations
Determination of Alert Levels and Hotspots
Form 7 of Annexure A: Permit to Perform an Essential/Permitted Service
28 December 2020
President Cyril Ramaphosa's Address
Determination of Admission of Guilt Fines in Respect of Offences in Terms of the Disaster Management Act 2002 (Act 57 of 2002) Regulations - Johannesburg Administrative Region
17 June 2020
COVID-19: President's Message - 17 June 2020
02 June 2020
Business Unity SA (BUSA)statement on ANC Economic Recovery Strategy
22 May 2020
Update: COVID-19 Response by the dtic
15 May 2020
13 May 2020
COVID-19 President Ramaphosa's Message
COVID-19 Loan Guarantee Scheme Q&A
04 May 2020
COVID-19 - DOT Directive - 659 - GG 43270
COVID-19- Directive Amendment - GG 43275 - 4 MAY 2020
COVID-19- DOT Directive - 495 - GG 43274
01 May 2020
Minister of Transport: Media Statement on Level 4 Lockdown
Department of Transport Directions: Once-off movement of persons
30 April 2020
CoGTA Directions: Once-off Movement of Persons
Department of Co-Operative Governance and Traditional Affairs
29 April 2020
COVID-19: Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation – Amended Directions
COVID-19 in Africa - Protecting Lives and Economies
Risk Adjusted Strategy Regulations 29 April 2020
28 April 2020
Standard Opering Procedure (SOP) under Rebate Item 412.11 for Business importing Critical Supplies during the National State of Disaster
COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Measures in the Workplace, by Minister of Employment and Labour
20 April 2020
Update: Customs Measures Relating to COVID-19
Download the Consolidated Regulations Including All Amendments
COVID-19 DMA Regulations Amendment 5
16 April 2020
Download the Consolidated Regulations Including All Amendments
COVID-19 DMA Regulations Amendment 4
Documents and Updates from the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa
Please check the ITAC website that is updated from time-to-time and includes communiques, application forms, standard operating procedures, critical supplies list, import VAT exemption list, and export documentation.
Department of Health – South Africa’s COVID-19 Epidemic: Trends & Next Steps (13 April 2020)
DoH - Presentation - 13 April 2020
Department of Employment and Labour Documents
Easy-Aid Guide for Employers
Department of Employment and Labour – Workplace Preparedness
Department of Employment and Labour Directive - Original
Department of Employment and Labour Directive - Amendment
15 April 2020
CEO Initiative Calls on Business to pay SME Creditors
COVID-19 Directions: Department of Mineral Resources and Energy
14 April 2020
Joint NRCS/SAHPRA/SABS Communication on Regulatory Status of Equipment
13 April 2020
DoH: Memo – Face Masks
Presidential Statement - 9 April 2020
COVID-19 Relief Schemes Summary
Support the Stay Home Campaign
09 April 2020
COVID-19 Directions: Call centres providing essential services
08 April 2020
The Impact of COVID-19 on Micro-Small Business in Developing Communities.
Over five million micro and small businesses exist in South Africa, many of which are located in the informal sector.
This report delves into the gaps in the current solutions that are impacting small businesses.
Final SADC Guidelines on Cross-Border Transport (COVID-19)
Amended COVID-19 Temporary Employee / Employer Relief Scheme (C19 Ters)
Directions: Measures to Address, Prevent and Combat the Spread of COVID-19
Expansion of the Scope of the COVID-19 Block Exemption for the Healthcare Sector, 2020
06 April 2020
COVID-19-related Regulations – Small Businesses
Regulations on Competition Tribunal Rules For COVID -19 Excessive Pricing Compliant Referrals
ITAC Certificate - SARS Essential Goods List
Mapping of Essential Goods
03 April 2020
COVID-19 Macro-Economic Consequences for Developing Countries
“Just when developing countries need to manage the pandemic, most have seen their fiscal space evaporate,” says Professor Ricardo Hausmann, one of the world’s leading experts on what drives economic growth, especially in developing countries. Hausmann provides an excellent analysis of the macro-economic implications of COVID-19 as well as recommendations for developing countries and international institutions. The Centre for Development and Enterprise has provided access to the following resources: The macro-economic impact of COVID-19 in developing countries (select slides of presentation, or select “watch meeting” recording).
02 April 2020
Tackling COVID-19 in Africa -
An Unfolding Health and Economic Crisis that Demands Bold Action – McKinsey & Company
COVID-19 in Africa
Herewith an article dated today showing the intention of the Minister of Transport to rescind the 100% loading capacity allowance for public transport.
A further amendment of the Disaster Management Act Regulations has been published. CAIA provides both the latest amendment as well as a CONSOLIDATED version of all the amendments, for ease of reference. The current amendment deals with: definitions, permits to travel, affidavits for funerals, conditions that must be met, Cabinet powers, contact tracing, the establishment of a database of persons, determination of the movement and location of persons, reports to and by the Director-General: Health, offences and penalties, as well as corrections, and changes to forms.
57 of 2002 DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT_Regs GN 318_2020.04.02 - to date
COVID-19 DMA Regulations Amendment 3
The National Treasury has released information, explanatory memoranda and draft bills relating to Disaster Management Tax Relief and COVID-19 Tax Measures. The draft Bills are available for comment until 15 April 2020 and will be implemented later in the year; retrospectively from 1 April 2020. Aspects included in measures relate to selected instances of: employment tax incentive reimbursements, deferment of payment of employee tax liability, and tax subsidy. Should there be comments and/or further suggestions (for example a moratorium on the Carbon Tax), please make contact through the CAIA Advocacy Alert.
20200329 Explanatory Notes on COVID 19 Tax measures - 29 March 2020
20200329 Media statement - COVID-19 Tax Measures
20200401 Media statement - Publication of COVID-19 Draft Tax Bills for public comment
Draft Disaster Management Tax Relief Administration Bill - 1 April 2020
Draft Disaster Management Tax Relief Bill - 1 April 2020
Draft Explanatory Memorandum on the Draft Disaster Management Tax Relief Bill - 1 April 2020
31 March 2020
The Directions from the Department of Home Affairs stipulate temporary measures in relation to the Immigration Act that include: arrangements for travel by foreigners, transit through the country, entry into and exit from South Africa, the closure of some ports and the listing thereof, visa administration (withdrawals, suspensions, refusals, concessions) and arrangements for crews and diplomats.
COVID-19 Home Affairs Regulations
Amendment of Directions for Public Transport: the amendment provides revised operating times for mini- and midibus public transportation, grace periods prior and post operating times, as well as directions and requirements for private employers in essential services to transport employees. Furthermore, a separate Notice provides loading capacities versus operating licence capacities of normal vehicles as well as mini- and midibus public transportation vehicles, in instances where surgical or N95 masks are or are not worn. Operators are required to put measures in place to ensure adherence to social distancing. The error in loading capacity has been noted and a correction Notice is awaited.
COVID-19 Public Transport amendment
TPT Declaration of FM re COVID-19 - Container sector.pdf
20200401 Min Transport Letter
30 March 2020
Directive regarding sea ports.pdf
Explanatory Notes on COVID 19 Tax measures - 29 March 2020.pdf
Media statement - COVID-19 Tax Measures.pdf
28 March 2020
Directions - DoT
Minister Fikile Mbalula on implementation of transport directions during Coronavirus COVID
Business Growth-Resilience Facility
SMME Debt Relief Scheme
Export Restrictions 2012_schedules 1 2 3
Export Restrictions_27032020
27 March 2020
Economic Implications
Customer Letter Force Majeure.pdf
Memo - Business SA_COVID-19 initiative - 27.03.2020
Valued Customer.pdf
26 March 2020
Speeches / Statements
Companies facing distress due to the pandemic to be assisted - Employment and Labour
Department of Employment and Labour unveil guidelines to deal with Covid-19 at workplaces
Minister Blade Nzimande on establishment of Coronavirus COVID
Minister Blade Nzimande_Government’s intervention measures on Coronavirus COVID-19
Minister Ebrahim Patel_Government’s intervention measures on Coronavirus
Minister Lindiwe Sisulu on interventions to curb the spread of Coronavirus COVID
Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi Ngubane_Government’s intervention measures on Coronavirus
Minister Thoko Didiza_Agriculture and Food Sector of South Africa on Coronavirus
President Cyril Ramaphosa_Escalation of measures to combat Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic
Tourism on Coronavirus COVID
Travel - Coronavirus Covid-19
Other information
Hospitals and Centres of Disease Control
Parliament welcomes SANDF deployment in battle against Coronavirus Covid
Schools - Coronavirus Covid-19
Stay Healthy While Travelling
COVID-19 Block Exemption Healthcare
COVID-19 Classification - national disaster
COVID-19 COIDA Regulations
COVID-19 Consumer and Customer Protection
COVID-19 Declaration - national disaster
COVID-19 Directions to muncipalities and provinces
COVID-19 Disaster Management Act Regulations
COVID-19 DMA Air Services
COVID-19 DMA Directions to address prevent and combat - public transport
COVID-19 DMA Directions to address prevent and combat - railway
COVID-19 DMA Measures to address prevent and combat - cross border transport
COVID-19 DMA REgulations amendment
COVID-19 International Air Services Regulations
COVID-19 National Ports - Regulations
Economic Implications

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Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on measures to combat COVID
COVID-19-What you need to know
Minerals Council Material On Preparedness For Managing The Covid-19 Pandemic