Considering the developments regarding COVID-19

Considering the developments regarding COVID-19, CAIA’s thoughts are with those infected and affected by the virus. The well-being and safety of CAIA’s members, stakeholders and the public are top priorities.

As more variants of the virus emerge, CAIA is calling on its members to take the necessary measures to minimise the spread of COVID-19, including allowing employees to work remotely, if possible. Keeping up with COVID-19 legislation as well as the guidance from the World Health Organization, is of paramount importance.

Kindly find a set of CAIA designed COVID-19 Posters for use by members.

COVID-19 Get Vaccinated PosterCOVID-19 Get Vaccinated Poster (917 KB)

COVID-19 Maintain Social Distancing PosterCOVID-19 Maintain Social Distancing Poster (912 KB)

COVID-19 Wash and Sanitise Hands PosterCOVID-19 Wash and Sanitise Hands Poster (909 KB)

COVID-19 Wear a Mask PosterCOVID-19 Wear a Mask Poster (910 KB)

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