CAIA Reviews the Scoring Methodology and Criteria for its Prestigious Responsible Care® Award and Responsible Care® Haulier Award

CAIA Reviews the Scoring Methodology and Criteria for its Prestigious Responsible Care® Award and Responsible Care® Haulier Award


During 2017, CAIA expanded the number and range of safety, health and environmental indicators that are used to judge year-on-year performance changes for the purposes of company-specific reporting and short-listing for the Responsible Care® Award and the Responsible Care® Haulier Award.

During the transition phase to full quantification of year-on-year changes across applicable indicators, this year’s process included 20 indicators. Furthermore, the methodology of determining year-on-year performance changes was revised to be far more quantitative and weightings were added – per indicator – to stress the importance of relevant indicators. During 2018, the full set of indicators will be used and the level of reporting will also be quantified and taken into consideration.

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