Business Matchmaking Is Coming To The Western Cape On 7 November

Manufacturing Indaba is bringing the popular
Business Matchmaking Programme to Cape Town!

To ensure that this year’s event offers all delegates and exhibitors the opportunity to engage with high-profile guests and speakers, Manufacturing Indaba Western Cape is proud to launch its provincial Business Matchmaking Programme on 7 November 2018. The programme has been extremely successful at all the provincial events and we are excited to announce that it will form part of the Western Cape 2018 event. Delegates and exhibitors will have the opportunity to meet with this year’s high-level speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and delegates at face-to-face private meetings onsite during the event.


  • Individual profiling
    Using the information that you provide, as well as our added background research, we will develop your own unique profile. Our matchmaking software will then apply your purpose and goal at the Indaba in its database search of contacts that are most suited to your needs.
  • Intelligent matchmaking
    Once we have established your key contacts, you will be able to go online and select the person or company with which you would like to interact with. When you have reached a decision, you may send meeting requests – and let the matchmaking begin!
  • Pre-scheduling meetings
    We will ensure that meetings are duly confirmed through the online private diary for tracking a meeting’s status and conferring over details such as suitable times.
  • Central meeting venue
    An email or text reminder will be sent to both participants for meetings in a pre-confirmed area at Manufacturing Indaba Western Cape venue.

The Business Matchmaking Programme is complimentary to all Manufacturing Indaba Western Cape Conference Delegates and Exhibitors.

CAIA members qualify for a 5% discount on the conference attendance.
To attend, please email and quote
‘Western Cape CAIA 2018 discount’ in the subject line.

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