Trade Bulletin-04-2017

WTO Technical Barriers to Trade-notifications

Trade Leads

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Department of Transport
National Ports Act
Ports Regulator of South Africa

Average tariff increase of the National Ports Authority for the 2017/2018 financial year

Summary of Intent

In Trade Bulletin 17/2016 CAIA alerted members to the National Ports Authority’s (NPA) tariff application to the Ports Regulator of South Africa (PRSA) for the 2017/2018 financial year. An average tariff increase of 8.00%, Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

Customs and Excise Act
National Treasury
South African Revenue Service

Amendment of Rules and Schedules - Environmental Levies and Rebates

Summary of Intent

The National Treasury has published a Notice amending the rules in the Customs and Excise Act with effect from 1 February 2017. In addition, Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

National Economic Development and Labour Council Act
National Economic Development and Labour Council

Tripartite Free Trade Agreement - Egypt

Summary of Intent

As a part of the ongoing negotiations towards the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement between Regional Economic Communities (RECs) of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), East African Countries (EAC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), SACU has received a proposal from Egypt.Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

National Economic Development and Labour Council Act
National Economic Development and Labour Council

Non-tariff barriers

Summary of Intent

In Trade Bulletin 9/2016, CAIA alerted members to the increased attention being placed on challenges of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs), by the National Economic Development and Labour Council’s Trade and Industry Chamber,Your membership level does not allow you access to this content. If you feel you should have access on the below document, please log-in or Contact Us

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