Networking Sessions & Focus Groups

Networking Sessions & Focus Groups

Networking Sessions & Focus Groups

CAIA introduced the concept of Networking Sessions during 2014.

These sessions are intended to provide members and non-members with general information on topics which may be causing concern within industry, as well as a chance to network with other stakeholders.

Topics presented will cover a broad range of aspects, including legislation that may:

Cause implementation challenges,
Have unintended consequences, or
Need further clarification or the latest information.
Once specific or technical challenges have been identified through a Networking Session, CAIA may provide Focus Group Sessions to deal with these topics in more detail. In this way CAIA provides members with specialist knowledge to help guide the decision-making and implementation necessary as legislation is often challenging in its interpretation.

CAIA recently presented the following Networking Sessions:

13 May 2015

Networking Session on Update on Climate Change and Carbon Tax Policy in South Africa and Current Messaging by Business
18 February 2015
Waste Management Update
30 July 2014
Process Safety in the Board Room – Themes and Trends

Climate Change Seminar 19 August 2019

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19-08-2019 0_CAIA CC Seminar Mentimeter

19-08-2019 1_Carbon Tax Briefing Municipalities_Final

19-08-2019 2_BUSA Presentation_Climate Change Bill_20190813 for CAIA

19-08-2019 3_CAIA_CB and MP Approach_rev

19-08-2019 4_NPC CAIA Presentation on JT

19-08-2019 5_TIPS presentation to CAIA - SJRP CCID and petrochemicals_final


19-08-2019 CAIA Climate Change Seminar Programme_final

Trade Facilitation Workshop 14 February 2018

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CAIA's Advocacy Initiatives for Trade_HS Classificaton_HS vs SIC Codes

Non-Tariff Barriers

SA and International Trade_Trade Negotiations_SA Trade Agreements_Trade Barriers

Steps in Import and Export

The importance of providing input on trade-related advocacy matters

Trade Remedies_ITAC


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