About CAIA Membership


Companies must be members of CAIA in order to become Responsible Care® signatories.

The practical implementation of Responsible Care® starts with a public signing ceremony where the chief executive officer of the company makes a commitment to the guiding principles of Responsible Care®.
Responsible Care® is designed to have a measurable impact on safety, health and environmental performance, and the programme therefore binds members to implement a rigorous system that includes:

  • Signing a voluntary Responsible Care® Public Commitment at the highest level of the company;
  • Implementing world-class management practice standards on an incremental basis;
  • Regular auditing of compliance with Responsible Care® Management practice standards, allowing for continuous progress;
  • Third-party verification of systems to ensure transparency and accountability;
  • Measuring, monitoring and publicly reporting on performance indicators to benchmark the industry against global standards.

Another key objective of Responsible Care® is to improve the public understanding of chemistry and public perception of the industry. The chemical industry is sometimes not well understood or well-regarded due to its technical nature and associated hazards. For this reason, Responsible Care® emphasises the importance of transparent and credible communication with the public and other stakeholders.


Responsible Care® is implemented by CAIA in South Africa through a comprehensive programme
Responsible Care® is implemented by CAIA in South Africa through a comprehensive programme of guidance documents, advisory forums and reporting requirements. Members are supported at every stage of the process by a knowledgeable, proactive and hands-on secretariat based at the CAIA office and dedicated to advancing Responsible Care® in South Africa.

Practical implementation of Responsible Care® at site level takes place with the guidance of Management Practice Standards (MPS) documents, which cover all the key operational areas, including:

  • Preparedness for emergency response to incidents;
  • Health and safety of the workforce and the community;
  • The safety of chemical processes;
  • Safe storage and transportation of chemicals;
  • Communication and interaction with the community;
  • The prevention of pollution, waste management and environmental protection;
  • Product stewardship.

Why people choose CAIA

  • 01ADVOCACYSUPPORTING MEMBERS THROUGH POLICY AND LEGISLATIONCAIA advocates members’ interests by tracking publications in the Government Gazette on a daily basis, and provides relevant notifications to members via a Weekly Advocacy Alert that is provided in a user-friendly format by email.
  • 02RESOURCESResponsible Care ResourcesThe initiative is essential in the reduction and elimination of risks and to the implementation of sustainable development.
  • 03TRAINING AND INTERACTIONWatch this Space!CAIA is currently reviewing the structure, presentation and content of training which is provided to members and non-members; which includes the provision of electronic training (e-training).


Thorough Assessment of compliance with Responsible Care® procedures

Assessment of compliance with Responsible Care® procedures and progress in implementation is a thorough, ongoing process that takes place at several levels and includes:

  • Self-assessment questionnaires: These are completed during the first two years of membership as a means of self-evaluation;
  • Quantitative Indicators of Performance (QIPs): A set of measurable indicators to be completed and submitted to CAIA annually for inclusion in the Responsible Care® Annual Performance Report;
  • 3rd Party Verification: Verification of compliance is conducted every three years by trained Responsible Care® auditors using the Responsible Care® Audit Guidance Documents. Transport operators as allied members undergo the South African Safety Quality Assessment System (SQAS) audits originally developed by the European chemical industry council, CEFIC.
  • Responsible Care® Award: An annual award recognises and rewards companies for exceptional performance and is based on year-on-year improvements in QIPs, with site visits to shortlisted entrants.

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