
Carbon Tax Dialogue 20 March 2019

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20-03-2019 1-CAIA Carbon Tax Dialogue 20 March 2019-rev-Mentimeter

20-03-2019 2-SHARLIN-Carbon Tax Overview and Implementation-National Treasury

20-03-2019 3-DEBORAH-Climate Change Legislation and Policy Overview-DEA

20-03-2019 4-MEMORY-Carbon offseting under the carbon tax-National Treasury

20-03-2019 5-ROBBIE-Offsets in the context of the carbon tax-Promethium Carbon

20-03-2019 7-JARREDINE-Carbon Tax Dialogue-BUSA

20-03-2019 8-IZAK-Unpacking Carbon Tax-Deloitte

Responsible Chemicals Management Dialogue

Growing the Chemical Industry in a Sustainable Manner

Day 1 - 5 March 2019

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05032019_09h30_Official Opening_H.E. Nomvula Paula Makonyane-Minister of Environmental Affairs

05032019_11h15_Cal Dooley_ACC_The Science Behind Sustainability

05032019_12h00_Cecilia Kinuthia Njenga_UNEP_What Does the Circular Economy Mean for South Africa as Regards Chemical Waste

05032019_12h20_John Rocha_Nepad Business Foundation_Gas, a Game Changer for the Chemical Industry in South Africa

05032019_12h20_Niall Kramer_SAOGA_Shaping and Accessing Oil & Gas Services Opportunities

05032019_14h00_Julie_Wells_NCPC_Green Chemistry_Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Industry

05032019_14h30_Willie Fourie_IDC_The IDC- What Does it Offer the Chemical Industry

05032019_15h30_Dumisani Nkala_Lauren Rota_Sasol South Africa_Responsible Chemicals Management Approach at Sasol South Africa Limited

05032019_16h15_Jarod Davis_Dow_Refining the Role of Business in Society

05032019_16h45_Kavita Pema_Omnia Group_Innovation, Growth and Sustainability Omnia's Journey to a Better World

Day 2 - 6 March 2019

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06032019_08h00_Harrie Camps_ICCA_Framing a Regulatory Environment that Supports Sustainable Growth in the Chemical Industry

06032019_08h30_Cicelia van Rooi_DOW_Advanced Manufacturing

06032019_08h45_Barry Dyer_RCNZ_Where are we with GHS - an International and South African Perspective

06032019_08h45_John Greathead_RCNZ_Implementaion of GHS in South Africa

06032019_09h30_Chloe Mattroos & Francois Joubert_FCC_On Course to Prove itself a World Leader

06032019_10h00_Akintayo Adisa_BASF_BASF Sustainability Roadmap for Africa-Turning Challenges into Opportunities

06032019_11h45_Barry Dyer_RCNZ_Responsible Care - Commitment to Sustainability

06032019_12h30_Obed_Baloyi_DEA_OECD Chemicals Programme

06032019_13h15_Amon Nyamhingura_CAIA_Responsible Care in Action Launch

Chemicals Value Chain Roadshow



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Responsible Care® Performance Report 2017

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