Carbon Tax Dialogue 20 March 2019

20-03-2019 1-CAIA Carbon Tax Dialogue 20 March 2019-rev-Mentimeter
20-03-2019 2-SHARLIN-Carbon Tax Overview and Implementation-National Treasury
20-03-2019 3-DEBORAH-Climate Change Legislation and Policy Overview-DEA
20-03-2019 4-MEMORY-Carbon offseting under the carbon tax-National Treasury
20-03-2019 5-ROBBIE-Offsets in the context of the carbon tax-Promethium Carbon
20-03-2019 7-JARREDINE-Carbon Tax Dialogue-BUSA
20-03-2019 8-IZAK-Unpacking Carbon Tax-Deloitte
Responsible Chemicals Management Dialogue
Growing the Chemical Industry in a Sustainable Manner
Day 1 - 5 March 2019

05032019_09h30_Official Opening_H.E. Nomvula Paula Makonyane-Minister of Environmental Affairs
05032019_11h15_Cal Dooley_ACC_The Science Behind Sustainability
05032019_12h00_Cecilia Kinuthia Njenga_UNEP_What Does the Circular Economy Mean for South Africa as Regards Chemical Waste
05032019_12h20_John Rocha_Nepad Business Foundation_Gas, a Game Changer for the Chemical Industry in South Africa
05032019_12h20_Niall Kramer_SAOGA_Shaping and Accessing Oil & Gas Services Opportunities
05032019_14h00_Julie_Wells_NCPC_Green Chemistry_Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Industry
05032019_14h30_Willie Fourie_IDC_The IDC- What Does it Offer the Chemical Industry
05032019_15h30_Dumisani Nkala_Lauren Rota_Sasol South Africa_Responsible Chemicals Management Approach at Sasol South Africa Limited
05032019_16h15_Jarod Davis_Dow_Refining the Role of Business in Society
05032019_16h45_Kavita Pema_Omnia Group_Innovation, Growth and Sustainability Omnia's Journey to a Better World
Day 2 - 6 March 2019

06032019_08h00_Harrie Camps_ICCA_Framing a Regulatory Environment that Supports Sustainable Growth in the Chemical Industry
06032019_08h30_Cicelia van Rooi_DOW_Advanced Manufacturing
06032019_08h45_Barry Dyer_RCNZ_Where are we with GHS - an International and South African Perspective
06032019_08h45_John Greathead_RCNZ_Implementaion of GHS in South Africa
06032019_09h30_Chloe Mattroos & Francois Joubert_FCC_On Course to Prove itself a World Leader
06032019_10h00_Akintayo Adisa_BASF_BASF Sustainability Roadmap for Africa-Turning Challenges into Opportunities
06032019_11h45_Barry Dyer_RCNZ_Responsible Care - Commitment to Sustainability
06032019_12h30_Obed_Baloyi_DEA_OECD Chemicals Programme
06032019_13h15_Amon Nyamhingura_CAIA_Responsible Care in Action Launch
Chemicals Value Chain Roadshow
CAIA Busa Meetings
Responsible Care® Performance Report 2018
B-BBEE Workshop
Responsible Care® Performance Report 2017
The CAIA 79th Annual General Meeting
Green and Sustainable Chemistry - Deidre Penfold 16-17 November 2017 The Hague DP Final (4,56 MB)
Green And Sustainable Chemistry In The Context Of The Chemical Weapons Convention (46,7 KB)
Agenda (907 KB)
Deidre Penfold IDC Roadshow CAIA Presentation 17 Feb 2016 (904 MB)
Nico Kelder IDC presentation - Chemicals Roadshow Port Elizabeth - 9 March 2016_Final (1, 77 MB)
Alu DST - Chemical Industry Roadshow, Port Elizabeth, 9 March 2016 (1, 09 MB)
Gary Dugmore IDC Roadshow 2016 (743 KB)
Nopinke DTI CHEMICALS (1, 21 MB)
Ntokozo Tshabalala IDC Support to the Chemicals Value Chain (2,20 MB)
Deidre Penfold IDC Roadshow CAIA Presnetation 17 Feb 2016 (9,04 MB)
Gerhard Kuhn IDC presentation - Chemicals Roadshow Cape Town 17 February 2016(1,64 MB)
Mahlori Mashimbye Chemical Industry Roadshow (13,6 MB)
Mahlori Mashimbye R&D Tax Incentives (548 KB)
Lionel Archillies IDC CHEMICALS VALUE CHAIN ROADSHOW 2016 - Incentive Presentation Summary updated (129 KB)
Deon Cloete IDC Support to the Chemicals Value Chain (2,20 MB)